As you might be aware, Battle Systems recently created the undisputed best card terrain on the market. It's amazing stuff, extremely versatile, and perfect for Space Hulk and other sci-fi wargames, and the guys (Colin and Wayne) are without question the most dedicated and passionate wargaming terrain designers in the business, their work effort and enthusiasm never failed to be mind-blowing and exciting throughout the production process, I can't speak highly enough about them. In addition, the upcoming and exciting Alien versus Predator models, created by Prodos games licensed under Fox, will look amazing alongside this terrain (and I'm really looking forward to my own order too :D). There's no date for those models arriving so I was trying my best to curb my enthusiasm and hold off on doing anything Aliens related, but on request I agreed to put this together.
So, being the enterprising individual that I am, I've set about creating Hadley's Hope, the colony on LV426, from the movie Aliens. It may not be 100% perfect, but I have done a considerable amount of research, including a video walkthrough, so I feel pretty confident on the accuracy of the piece. I'm including pictures from 2 different attempts I made, and I may modify things further in the future. With Christmas festivities taking precedence, this has been delayed by quite a long time. Anyway, enjoy the pictures.
Notes: I feel the terrain is barebones without more damage, in the movie you can see plenty of wire hanging from the ceiling, along with acid burns and bullet holes. Also, as you'll see in the pics, I run out of walls during my first attempt, and so I ended up using Battle Systems "infested walls" to cover the 3 walls I'm missing. I also need to invest in a 3rd window wall as this is missing in Operations too. Finally, I don't intend just to have pure white foamboard, one panel needs to be sprayed black, the other white, to represent Operations and the Med Lab. The upper levels will probably only be Operations and the Med Lab, and the stairwells are nice and close to both entrances so it's not too hard to ignore the lack of corridors upstairs.
Future projects:
- Spray Foamboard
- Create acid burn terrain pieces out of card and glossy resin to place on certain pieces of the board
- Modify certain walls with a drill or knife to include battle damage and bullet holes
- Glue wire bundles together as terrain pieces in the main corridor
I'm going to make a complete Alien hive inside the atmospheric processor, but that will only be once the Prodos order arrives. I have lots and lots of really good ideas for it, and for the "infested terrain" walls, but I can't do anything until the models arrive because they factor into what I'm going to do with regards paint and design. Suffice it to say I'm going to have around 40 eggs, a scratch-built egg sac, and a bunch of other DIY projects. Fingers crossed the order arrives in the near future, come on Prodos! :)
(Operations and Med Lab are fine, but I will re-do the base underneath)
Overview shot of Hadley's Hope. You're looking from the north
lock down to the south. The US colonial marines entered here,
while Gorman, Ripley and Burke all came in via the south lock.
Looking into the Med Lab from the west of the base
Another Med Lab shot including Facehugger chambers and link to Operations
Operations from the southern perspective. The elevated position was just made using Battle Systems crates for availability and ease. Need to make some steps up to it at some stage.
Operations from the east. The entrance is accessed via a few of the Battle Systems walkways, linked round to the stairwell
Shot of the eastern stairwell. I used a single wide staircase, though for accuracy, the colony really had the thinner type of Battle Systems stairway steps, I just preferred this. Sentry gun proxy til Prodos order arrives. You can use the lower level as the upper level corridors, so the main corridor running north-south doubles up here.
Med Lab again. There is an error here in that on the left hand side, those walls ought to have windows through into the area Ripley and Newt slept, when Burke released the facehugger. I may tackle this in the future and create window walls. There's also supposed to be one looking into the facehugger chambers room.
On your right you have the Med Lab's main entrance, and the area Newt and Ripley slept in.
Med Lab again
Newt/ Ripley's bed
Distance shot down the main corridor from the north lock (entrance). Use the middle piece as a landmark if re-creating the set-up yourself
Another distance shot of the colony from the north (far left on the gaming table)
These are living areas and the main thing I got wrong on the first attempt. There should be 4 rooms not 2, and the upper room here isn't in existence in the films.
From the eastern perspective
Closeup of Med Lab examination area. This is where Bishop dissected the facehugger. The Battle Systems consoles stack, so I used 3 circular on the base, and a further 2 on top.
Operations from its eastern entrance
This is the way to the Med Lab from Operations. Along this narrow passage next to the data banks, Ripley shot a xenomorph on warning from Newt, and Hudson got taken by the xenomorphs, pulled below the floor grills.
This is the doorway intersection where Burke locked everyone out, and Newt opened the little access tunnel for them all to escape. The access tunnel is something I may create in the future. To the left hand side of this picture, the door leads out along an access corridor, leading to another building in the colony.
This room is to the model's right upon entering the colony, and I didn't know quite what to do with it so it became a generator room. This is directly below the Med Lab.
This is directly below Operations and as you can see I haven't worked out any purpose for it yet.
Close-up of the north stairwell (left hand side of the table)
More pictures to follow of the amended base, I'll come back to it later today.
Okay so this is probably a more accurate Hadley's Hope design, there's not a symmetry to the layout, which you can see just from the blueprints. Basically it's much larger on the east side than the west, and this layout reflects that. Something really cool, which I thought would be a design issue but is actually just serendipity, the Operations windows overhang the base just slightly now, which is exactly what they should do by the look of it, so that's cool :). I'm maybe going to have to reinforce the foamboard with wooden slats but that's easily done.
Also, one other thing I haven't included here, in the outlying corridor, the one that runs all the way around the outside of the base, there should be doors or even walls, blocking these corridors off at each of the four outer doors. It's already in place at the north and south locks, it's just the east and west doors where there should be an extra 2 doors or walls flanking the entrance.
Extra room added on the left hand side when entering the colony via the north lock
A look through the 3 rooms to the barricade in the corridor beyond
Close-up of the barricade
Colony main corridor shot. Managed to get the connecting piece on the floor tiles to fit in more smoothly this time :)
The new layout means the rooms are that little bit smaller
Moved the generators to the left hand side/ east of the colony as there's more room there. It's open to debate what all the rooms contain, but I know the generators were somewhere on the west side of the colony, so this placement of them here isn't necessarily accurate
Corridor shot from the west side. The wall ramp on the right hand side of this picture is negligently not the correct one, I should have used a double sided piece but just didn't remember to change it around. Woops
This is something you can do if you run out of floor tiles, simply take 4 of the square gantries and put them in the middle, they fit quite nicely, and once walls are over the top, you wouldn't even notice the difference
The new layout with Operations and Med Lab back on top. I didn't link the walls or line up the terrain properly because there are already better pictures of this area of the colony
The Operations windows now overhang the building just slightly, which is actually more accurate, so setting the base up with 9 walls along the length instead of 11 was beneficial in this regard
Shot of Operations and the colony from the south side
I included some models in a corridor shot for fun. Aliens vs Rambo
Samurai vs Aliens
Shot of the replacement "infested walls" on the outside of the Med Lab. And a samurai, stoically facing his doom
These are Heroclix Aliens
And I can't remember the Samurai's origins but I feel like it's GCT's "Bushido" game. I can check if anyone's interested, he comes with a separate helm and a Naginata spear weapon choice
Shot with the lights off and flash enabled
Long corridor shots with the lights off and flash enabled
So that's my Hadley's Hope. Again, may not be perfect, I could have missed something, but I'm confident in it personally. If anyone has any questions or comments, I'll have the base up until Monday 12th January 2015, at which point I need to deconstruct it back into the storage boxes, so I'll only have the pictures to refer to from then on out, until I get my AVP order from Prodos.
Hi there, Great work. I have been considering doing something similar with Mantics Battlezone terrrain(I have a lot from the kickstarter). Do you have any drawings or plans you worked from?
ReplyDeleteHi John, glad you liked it. I don't think I can post up other people's content without their permission but if you google alien hadley's hope blueprints and check out the links from gearbox and paulopredator, those are the blueprints I used.
ReplyDeleteI also came across a Hadley's Hope on that it turns out has a very accurate Med Lab/ Operations, the creator put it together as a DIY project with card, again you'll find that in google images.
And I found a video walkthrough on Youtube, if you have a look you should be able to find it, it's something-Aliens Hadley's Hope, based on the video game. Another option is to play the video game Colonial Marine, I did that initially and it was working well, you can get to grips with it quite quickly if you're actually running around the facility.
Beyond that, just check out my own layout, like I said I believe it's accurate, so if you want to draw from it, go for it :). Send me a comment here with a link if you do put it together, I'd like to see what you do
Nice use of the BattleSystems. Well done!
ReplyDeleteThanks Cedric. I saw your link on the Battle Systems Kickstarter, well done to you too, looks like a fun campaign you've got going there :)
DeleteThat is really very good, and useful, so thank you. Where did you get the resin pieces?
ReplyDeleteThanks Fred, really glad to hear you found it useful :). As far as the terrain...haha, this could (will) be a long reply :p. I've picked up terrain from LOADS of different places over the years. I'll try to give you a run-down of what I got and where, my memory is usually good with these things.
DeleteSo in the MedLab, you'll find a machine that looks like a cat scan machine or something similar. I believe that came from antenocitisworkshop, along with the circular desks on the raised platform in Operations. The bed was from ebay, a random seller there and I picked up a half dozen or so. The tables were either from blackcatbases, or from an outstanding Aussie website, Eureka miniatures, that guy has some fantastic stuff, and the tables and such are in the office set he sells. Great place to get marines and navy SEALS miniatures too.
The stretchers all came from blackcatbases, but there's an alternative medical bed set you can get from Grekwood miniatures, they're awesome if you want to make a hospital ward with beds. There's also, in the quiet, sleeping area of the Med Lab, a bookcase that I got from either Thomarillion in Germany or from Acheson creations in America. Both are amazing websites, I love the things they both produce. Thomarillion sells loads of modern terrain, I think they're the market leaders, and Acheson are ridiculously affordable, and do all sorts of things from tyre walls and barricades to prehistoric creatures and giant ground worms.
Looking into the facehugger chambers, I got those via the Star Wars Miniatures game. Now, they're way too tall, but considering they're pre-made and painted, they're a great start. I might green stuff and scratch build smaller glass cases. The Star Wars Miniature game is finished up now, but you can usually get things from ebay. The wash-hand sink, and filing cabinet style things in the Med Lab came from Copplestone castings I believe, the bank and science lab sets there. And the lockers and security consoles in Operations, I think they were from Copplestone too. Bottom right of operations next to the windows is a Forge World GW control console, the flat generator with a base is from Forge World too. The "sentry gun" replacement is GW, but I think it might have been something to do with the Dark Angels fortress of redemption or something like that, either that or it's another Forge World, but it is plastic. We're going back at least a decade since I got those pieces, I'd imagine they're out of production but I'm not sure. And everything else along the windows wall is from Copplestone's.
The couch in the very first room to the left of the entrance, I think that came from Blackcatbases, but I can't remember for sure. The table in front of it actually came off an old chair or desk or something, haha, I requisitioned it :). The generators, the sort of rustic, metal ones, they're Thomarillion again. And the barricades, those are GW pieces, they did a whole host of different barricades at one stage, and what you're seeing is a mix of Ork and Imperial ones.
Hope that helps. I didn't actually go out and find these bits specifically for the colony, I just had them in my terrain boxes and figured I'd trial them out while the set was up and displayed. A lot of it I've never gotten round to painting due to other commitments, but I expect to get there with it in the next while. The main thing you need for Hadley's Hope is lots of bundles of wire in the hallways, those are the main terrain feature as I've seen it :).
As you say, long reply ;-) but thank you for the time. There is a lot to work with.
ReplyDeleteThe sources and pieces are eclectic but work well together, probably a lot like real life! I'm quite heavily into Mars Attacks at the moment, which is a great, fun game. But if I'm honest my heart lies with AvP. I will be coming back here to use this as inspiration in a few weeks. LV 426 will see quite a bit of action methinks.
You're welcome, I'm always happy to help if I can :). I love LV 426 as much as you do, but sadly, without Prodos and the order we're all waiting for, I can't enjoy the colony quite as much, I'm waiting til I have those models before I start any AVP gaming. Fingers crossed in that regard...
ReplyDeleteI am guessing you've had the message from Prodos that AvP The boardgame is almost fully signed off on. Not long now. I imagine about 6 weeks until it is in our grubby mitts! ;-)
ReplyDeleteHaha, Fred you're an optimist buddy. Apologies for a late reply, but unfortunately, no sign of Prodos delivering soon, I got an email recently from them saying they'd had it delayed again. Go figure, it definitely feels closer now than it did before, so that's good. But I think by Xmas is still very possible, based on the pattern of delays, a full 2 years to get our models seems highly possible. Don't get the hopes up, that's my thinking on it.
DeleteI've been away and when I was doing any wargaming it's been mostly gluing and converting a few things. However, I got some of my painting done recently, I do it in stages and I picked up some new orcs and uruk-hai, so now they all have their armour and weapons painted, the orcs have their skin basecoat, and I completely painted an armoured Troll Chieftain. Skin for the Uruk-Hai next, and I'll put up pics of all of those, plus my men of Rohan, I finished up their cloaks and just need to do some of their helms and their underclothes. Pics this week I think :)