Wednesday, 16 November 2016

New Project List (17th November 2016 --> 5th January 2016)

Alright so this is going to include a lot, not everything. How do I get to the bottom before January? I expect to have finished off the Chaos part of the list, and then I'm 100% finished collecting Chaos miniatures. Same goes for Black Templars and Dark Angels Space Marines, Grey Knights basically, and I reckon Orks, these are absolute finishing touches......(I left that off the list lol, too sprawling, have it ready for next project list).

Full Project List

- 13 Khorne Bloodletters (green stuff, undercoat) (probably 30 minutes left to do)
- 10 very unorthodox Khorne Berserkers (30 mins)
- 20 potential Khorne Berserkers, or unarmoured Khorne Berserkers, or Khorne Cultists/Mutants (1 hour)

- 30 Pink Horrors of Tzeentch (plastic glue, but some might need green stuff) (probably 1-2 hours of assembly)
- 10 Thousand Sons Marines (slightly unconventional) (1 hour)
- Possibly throw together some smaller Blue Horrors of Tzeentch from Ork, human and Tyranid pieces (hard to nail down a time)
- Maybe do some Screamers of Tzeentch with green stuff and cocktail sticks and plastic fork pieces for spikes (hard to nail down a time, would take a lot of green stuff)
- Chaos Rhino (green stuff with a bunch of mutation and possession) (30 mins- 1 hour of effort assembly)
- Chaos Land Raider (glue together, Ebay renovation piece, needs a lot of green stuff for possession and mutation and damage etc. Have some fun ideas for it) (1-3 hours)

- 40 Chaos or Genestealer Cultists (2-3 hours)

So that's.......7.5-12 hours. I could literally get this done in a week, if I had the instinct lol. Damn my procrastination. Still, feeling excited now! :D

Dealing with procrastination.....

Okay, so why have I barely posted, barely written, hardly used this blog?

In a word, perfectionism.

From Elves, to Orks, to Uruk-hai, to lions and lionesses, all the way to Horrors of Tzeentch, Dark Angels Terminators, and now, currently, Khornate Bloodletters.

Am I busy? Yes. That too. But the main reason it's REALLY hard to post up pics or write up articles, is that I'm a total perfectionist. It's the same reason I couldn't give a kickstarter miniature maker a good pic of my painted, inked model. It was ready......sort of. But not my best work, I still had shading to do to make it right for me. Now for someone else, you could EASILY go into 2 oppositional camps. Either, that's totally unnecessary, dude, why bother, looks fine. Or, really......that's it....? And that's life, but I don't paint or do sculpting conversion for anyone else's enjoyment.

So what's the future? I'm literally looking right now at a padded tv dinner tray, packed full of miniature awesomeness lol. I have a slightly-too-small model needing a giant flowing jacket for some bulk, there are Vikings/ Rohirrim needing a pair of green stuff hands (one holding a decapitated, bloody head), and there's a few drill bits, green stuff, super glue, oh some African tribesmen too! The chieftain and a tribesman with a green stuff turtle shell, and a couple chosen warriors. They need some feathers and extra pieces before they can go get undercoated. And finally, 13 Bloodletters of Khorne, 7 that need their legs and arms green-stuff'ed, 2 that need flying bases and need a fair bit more green stuff, 4 that just need some balancing and even'ing out with green stuff, and 2 that are just needing cracks in their arms filled.

So green stuff. Green stuff is SLOW. I can't work the stuff fast, and I HATE getting it wrong, so I have to do this sort of puff-cheek, energy build thing, while muting my phone, pausing tv, podcast or music, and just focusing 100% concentration for 10-30 minutes. It depends how many models I do, but of course, to prevent waste, you have to build up and have a reasonable number of models to do at the same time. I reckon it's about 3 minutes per model, I timed myself just for Vikings with scratch-built chainmail. And after, it's hard to go again, it's so time dependent because it hardens quickly, and I always tend towards super-fiddly stuff. Again, perfectionist. The Khorne Bloodletters I have? Well they're plastic, so I just went crazy with them. They're pretty different to the ones you can buy, plastic is great for that.

Anyway, that's an insight, for any quiet eyes out there. I fully intend to display my stuff here, for myself to be able to look back on some day I guess, or to keep me motivated. For pics, ideally I want to clear my table, set up some terrain, and throw up some awesome pics that really show off the models in the right settings. So that might take a while, but I do have fun stuff to take pics of. I haven't had a battle in aaaaggggessss, so that'd definitely be the right time to do it. And I might even do a battle report or two at some point. I'm going to post another project list, and my intention is to hit my goals by the new year. I did complete most of my previous project list, but I didn't prioritize the Hobbit or Lord of the Rings miniatures. This time I'll actually prioritize my stuff.