Wednesday, 16 November 2016

New Project List (17th November 2016 --> 5th January 2016)

Alright so this is going to include a lot, not everything. How do I get to the bottom before January? I expect to have finished off the Chaos part of the list, and then I'm 100% finished collecting Chaos miniatures. Same goes for Black Templars and Dark Angels Space Marines, Grey Knights basically, and I reckon Orks, these are absolute finishing touches......(I left that off the list lol, too sprawling, have it ready for next project list).

Full Project List

- 13 Khorne Bloodletters (green stuff, undercoat) (probably 30 minutes left to do)
- 10 very unorthodox Khorne Berserkers (30 mins)
- 20 potential Khorne Berserkers, or unarmoured Khorne Berserkers, or Khorne Cultists/Mutants (1 hour)

- 30 Pink Horrors of Tzeentch (plastic glue, but some might need green stuff) (probably 1-2 hours of assembly)
- 10 Thousand Sons Marines (slightly unconventional) (1 hour)
- Possibly throw together some smaller Blue Horrors of Tzeentch from Ork, human and Tyranid pieces (hard to nail down a time)
- Maybe do some Screamers of Tzeentch with green stuff and cocktail sticks and plastic fork pieces for spikes (hard to nail down a time, would take a lot of green stuff)
- Chaos Rhino (green stuff with a bunch of mutation and possession) (30 mins- 1 hour of effort assembly)
- Chaos Land Raider (glue together, Ebay renovation piece, needs a lot of green stuff for possession and mutation and damage etc. Have some fun ideas for it) (1-3 hours)

- 40 Chaos or Genestealer Cultists (2-3 hours)

So that's.......7.5-12 hours. I could literally get this done in a week, if I had the instinct lol. Damn my procrastination. Still, feeling excited now! :D

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